T U T O R I A L  0 2

Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit.

     Ok, now that we have our room created, we might want to create another room or an outside area that we can go to. This is pretty easy to do, just read carefully. First make a block through the wall that is about 128 units wide and tall enough that your player can fit through. I will a different texture as my walls. Then make another brush going right through the one you just made. Like this:

     Notice that the CSG Subract button (Carve for short) is circled, we will need to use this one next. make sure that the outer block is selected then click Carve, now select the inner block just like in the picture and click the Carve button, then press BACKSPACE to delete the inner block, now notice that you can see outside of the room, its nothing but grey. You dont want this in your map, it is called a leak. No matter how small your leak is it is still leak, even if your eyes cannot see it. You won't be able to have bots in your maps if you have leaks, I will cover more on this later, I just wanted to point out what a leak is.
Now, I feel like making an outside area at this point in my map, so I am going to add some grass, dirt and rock textures and a water shader so that you can go swimming. You can do this however you want to, I am going to make everything very "jaggy" because I want it to look realistic. I also cannot find a good grass texture, so I will use one of my own for this all you have to do is create your own shader, just follow along:

  • First create a directory like this in your BASEQ3\TEXTURES\MYTEXTURES

  • Next put all your textures in there, JPG, TGA...

  • Now open up your BASEQ3\SCRIPTS\SHADERLIST.TXT file and add MYTEXTURES at the very bottom of it, then save.

  • Now make a new file called MYTEXTURES.SHADER in your BASEQ3\SCRIPTS dir and put the following in there:


surfaceparm MYTEXTURES 

map textures/tutorial/*.jpg
tcMod turb 0 .5 0 9.6
tcmod scale 2 2
tcmod scroll 9 5
blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
rgbGen identity

map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
depthFunc equal

  • The last thing that you need to do is make another MYTEXTURES.SHADER file and place it in your BASEQ3\TEXTURES\MYTEXTURES dir. Use this for the code:

qer_editorimage textures/stuff/*.jpg
surfaceparm notrans
surfaceparm solid
surfaceparm nofog
surfaceparm lightmap

fogparms ( .6 .6 1 ) 1200

//My custom Textures

     That should cover all that you need to know for now, use all the custom textures that you want now. Once you are done with your ground outside and want to put some water in there just load TEXTURES/LIQUIDS and then choose a good water shader. Shaders are the textures outlined with white boxes in the texture view window. I chose calm_pool.
     Now we might want to put in a sky, so load the TEXTURES/SKIES and choose a good sky shader, and that is all there is to it! Now since we have an outside area we can make a huge light and have that be like the sun. For Key type LIGHT and for Value try 3000, 300 is the default value. That just about covers this tutorail, remember that there is a leak in the map, here look at these pics of my map so far. The first one is an overhead view the second is the 3D view when you are outside looking at where our new room is going to be.

     See the (Leak Spot)? I left that part open, so what we can put another room in there, and not have the sky cutting it in half. You can still run the game, but you will see tracers when you look at the Leak. Also, you cannot run BSPC unless all of your leak spots are taken care of, I have a trick for that later on when I show you how to make your maps playable with bots. I think that I will make stepping stones to get up to the room. But for now practice what you have learned and email me if you have any questions.