Use Custom Textures to give your map a new look.

     I cannot find a good grass texture! So I will use one of my own, for this all you have to do is create your own shader, just follow along:

  • First create a directory like this in your BASEQ3\TEXTURES\MYTEXTURES

  • Next put all your textures in there, JPG, TGA...

  • Now open up your BASEQ3\SCRIPTS\SHADERLIST.TXT file and add MYTEXTURES at the very bottom of it, then save.

  • Now make a new file called MYTEXTURES.SHADER in your BASEQ3\SCRIPTS dir and put the following in there.


surfaceparm MYTEXTURES 

map textures/tutorial/*.jpg
tcMod turb 0 .5 0 9.6
tcmod scale 2 2
tcmod scroll 9 5
blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
rgbGen identity

map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
depthFunc equal

  • The last thing that you need to do is make another MYTEXTURES.SHADER file and place it in your BASEQ3\TEXTURES\MYTEXTURES dir. Use this for the code:

qer_editorimage textures/stuff/*.jpg
surfaceparm notrans
surfaceparm solid
surfaceparm nofog
surfaceparm lightmap

fogparms ( .6 .6 1 ) 1200

//My custom Textures

     That should cover all that you need to know for now, use all the custom textures that you want now. If it don't work, try some other stuff, and if you find a way that is better than mine, or mine don't work for you, email me and tell me. Here is the texture, just incase you want to try it out or something.